Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Fussballspiel programmieren SelMcKenzie Selzer-McKenzie

Visual Basic 2010 Fussballspiel programmieren SelMcKenzie Selzer-McKenzie
Author D.Selzer-McKenzie

Heute zeige ich Ihnen, wie man ein bewegliches Fussballspiel programmieren kann. Sie kennen das ja von den sogenannten Ping Pong Spielen, wo am Seitenrand ein Spieler läuft und den Ball antippt und schon bleibt der Ball im Spielfeld.
Hier habe ich das auch so gemacht mit lediglich 2 Spielern, aber das können Sie ja entsprechend erweitern.
Los geht’s mit Taste Leertaste, dann mit der A oder B Taste hoch runter für  Spieler 1 und der Pfeiltaste für hoch runter Spieler 2.
Den Code habe ich bereirs geschrieben, aber so gross, dass der auf dem Video lesbar ist. Sie müssten notfalls das Video anhalten um den Code in Ruhe abschreiben zu können.
Das Spiel funktioniert bestens, ich habe auch drei Geschwindigkeiten einprogrammiert sowie Musik.
Good Luck.

Der Code lautet:
Public Class Form1
    Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Short
    Const VK_A = &H41
    Const VK_Z = &H5A
    Const VK_LSHIFT = &HA0
    Const VK_RSHIFT = &HA1
    Const VK_LCONTROL = &HA2
    Const VK_RCONTROL = &HA3
    Const VK_LMENU = &HA4
    Const VK_RMENU = &HA5
    Const VK_DOWN = &H28
    Const VK_UP = &H26
    Const VK_LEFT = &H25
    Const VK_RIGHT = &H27
    Const VK_SPACE = &H20
    Dim xChange, yChange As Integer
    Dim keypressed As String
    Dim x, y, direction, ballSpeed As Double
    Dim keyesc, keyA, KeyZ As Boolean
    Dim isLoaded, isPaused As Boolean
    Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
        keypressed = e.KeyChar
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Timer2.Enabled = False
        ballSpeed = 0.05
    End Sub
    Sub NewGame()
        PictureBox3.Left = 230
        PictureBox3.Top = 150
        Timer1.Enabled = True
        Timer2.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Sub NewDirection()
        Dim r As Integer
        x = pictureBox3.Left
        y = pictureBox3.Top
        r = Int(Rnd() * 14) + 1
        If r = 1 Then direction = 0
        If r = 2 Then direction = 23
        If r = 3 Then direction = 45
        If r = 4 Then direction = 68
        If r = 5 Then direction = 113
        If r = 6 Then direction = 135
        If r = 7 Then direction = 158
        If r = 8 Then direction = 180
        If r = 9 Then direction = 203
        If r = 10 Then direction = 225
        If r = 11 Then direction = 248
        If r = 12 Then direction = 293
        If r = 13 Then direction = 315
        If r = 14 Then direction = 338
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) Then
        End If
        If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_A) Then
            If pictureBox1.Top <= 25 Then
                pictureBox1.Top = 25
                Exit Sub
            End If
            pictureBox1.Top = pictureBox1.Top - 10
        End If
        If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_Z) Then
            If pictureBox1.Top >= 273 Then
                pictureBox1.Top = 273
                Exit Sub
            End If
            pictureBox1.Top = pictureBox1.Top + 10
        End If
        If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) Then
            If pictureBox2.Top <= 25 Then
                pictureBox2.Top = 25
                Exit Sub
            End If
            pictureBox2.Top = pictureBox2.Top - 10
        End If
        If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) Then
            If pictureBox2.Top >= 273 Then
                pictureBox2.Top = 273
                Exit Sub
            End If
            pictureBox2.Top = pictureBox2.Top + 10
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
        If direction = 338 Then
            xChange = 92
            yChange = 38
        End If
        If direction = 315 Then
            xChange = 71
            yChange = 71
        End If
        If direction = 293 Then
            xChange = 38
            yChange = 92
        End If
        If direction = 270 Then
            xChange = 0
            yChange = 100
        End If
        If direction = 248 Then
            xChange = -38
            yChange = 92
        End If
        If direction = 225 Then
            xChange = -71
            yChange = 71
        End If
        If direction = 203 Then
            xChange = -92
            yChange = 38
        End If
        If direction = 180 Then
            xChange = -100
            yChange = 0
        End If
        If direction = 158 Then
            xChange = -92
            yChange = -38
        End If
        If direction = 135 Then
            xChange = -71
            yChange = -71
        End If
        If direction = 113 Then
            xChange = -38
            yChange = -92
        End If
        If direction = 90 Then
            xChange = 0
            yChange = -100
        End If
        If direction = 68 Then
            xChange = 38
            yChange = -92
        End If
        If direction = 45 Then
            xChange = 71
            yChange = -71
        End If
        If direction = 23 Then
            xChange = 92
            yChange = -38
        End If
        If direction = 0 Then
            xChange = 100
            yChange = 0
        End If
        If y < 26 Then
            If direction = 158 Then direction = 203
            If direction = 135 Then direction = 225
            If direction = 113 Then direction = 248
            If direction = 68 Then direction = 293
            If direction = 45 Then direction = 315
            If direction = 23 Then direction = 338
            y = 26
        End If
        If y > 300 Then
            If direction = 203 Then direction = 158
            If direction = 225 Then direction = 135
            If direction = 248 Then direction = 113
            If direction = 293 Then direction = 68
            If direction = 315 Then direction = 45
            If direction = 338 Then direction = 23
            y = 300
        End If
        x = x + ballSpeed * xChange
        y = y + ballSpeed * yChange
        pictureBox3.Left = x
        pictureBox3.Top = y
        If pictureBox3.Left > pictureBox2.Left - 14 _
            And pictureBox3.Left < pictureBox2.Left + 10 Then
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top - 10 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 2 Then
                direction = 113
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top + 1 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 8 Then
                direction = 135
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top + 9 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 15 Then
                direction = 158
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top + 16 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 22 Then
                direction = 180
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top + 23 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 29 Then
                direction = 203
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top + 30 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 36 Then
                direction = 225
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox2.Top + 37 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 42 Then
                direction = 248
            End If
        End If
        If pictureBox3.Left >= pictureBox1.Left - 14 _
            And pictureBox3.Left <= pictureBox1.Left + 10 Then
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top - 10 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox1.Top + 2 Then
                direction = 68
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top + 1 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox1.Top + 8 Then
                direction = 45
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top + 9 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox1.Top + 15 Then
                direction = 23
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top + 16 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox1.Top + 22 Then
                direction = 0
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top + 23 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox1.Top + 29 Then
                direction = 338
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top + 30 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 36 Then
                direction = 315
            End If
            If pictureBox3.Top >= pictureBox1.Top + 37 _
                And pictureBox3.Top <= pictureBox2.Top + 42 Then
                direction = 293
            End If
        End If
        Static player2Score As Integer
        If (pictureBox3.Left > 476) Then
            Timer2.Enabled = False
            player2Score = player2Score + 1
            Dim p2score As String
            p2score = player2Score.ToString()
            label5.Text = p2score
        End If
        Static player1Score As Integer
        If (pictureBox3.Left < -20) Then
            Timer2.Enabled = False
            player1Score = player1Score + 1
            Dim p1score As String
            p1score = player1Score.ToString()
            label3.Text = p1score
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub boing()

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