Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Strategiespiel programmieren SelMcKenzie Selzer-McKenzie

Visual Basic 2010 Strategiespiel programmieren SelMcKenzie Selzer-McKenzie
Author D.Selzer-McKenzie

Heute zeige ich Ihnen, wie man ein komplettes Strategiespiel programmiert. Ich habe hier ein Snowboardspiel auf einer Skipiste genommen, aber man kann es natürlich genausogut als Rennwagenspiel oder sonstwas programmieren.
Den Code habe ich so geschrieben, dass er gut lesbar ist und Sie müssten das Video jeweils anhalten, um den Code abschreiben zu können.
Sie sehen, das Spiel funktioniert wunderbar.

Der Code lautet:
Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Short
    Dim x(30), y(30), mogulx(7), moguly(7), rockx(6), rocky(6) As Integer
    Dim mykeyup, mykeyleft, mykeyright, mykeydown As Boolean
    Dim contact As String
    Dim speedx, speedy As Integer
    Dim switcharm, rightcount, leftcount As Integer
    Dim direction As String
    Dim whichKey As Integer
    Dim santax, santay As Integer
    Dim SantaCrash As Boolean
    Dim santaCrashCount As Integer
    Dim santaCrashx, santaCrashy As Integer
    Dim pinkSkierDirection, greenSkierDirection, santaDirection As String
    Dim greenSkierCrash, pinkSkiercrash As Boolean
    Dim greenSkierCrashCount, pinkSkierCrashCount As Integer

    Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
        whichKey = e.KeyCode
        If whichKey = 39 Then
            mykeyright = True
            mykeyup = False
            mykeyleft = False
            mykeydown = False
        End If
        If whichKey = 37 Then
            mykeyright = False
            mykeyup = False
            mykeyleft = True
            mykeydown = False
        End If
        If whichKey = 38 Then
            mykeyright = False
            mykeyup = True
            mykeyleft = False
            mykeydown = False
        End If
        If whichKey = 40 Then
            mykeyright = False
            mykeyup = False
            mykeyleft = False
            mykeydown = True
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyUp
        whichKey = e.KeyCode
        If whichKey = 39 Then
            mykeyright = False
        End If
        If whichKey = 37 Then
            mykeyleft = False
        End If
        If whichKey = 38 Then
        End If
        If whichKey = 40 Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim skitype As String
        contact = "no"
        For i = 0 To 30
            ReDim Preserve picTreeTarget(i)
            picTreeTarget(i) = New PictureBox
            picTreeTarget(i).Text = CStr(i)
            picTreeTarget(i).Size = picTree.Size
            If i < 15 Then picTreeTarget(i).Image = picTree.Image
            If i >= 15 Then picTreeTarget(i).Image = picTree2.Image
            picTreeTarget(i).Visible = True
            AddHandler picTreeTarget(i).Click, AddressOf PictureBox_Click
            x(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            y(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
            picTreeTarget(i).Location = New Point(x(i), y(i))
        Next i
        For i = 0 To 7
            ReDim Preserve picMogulTarget(i)
            picMogulTarget(i) = New PictureBox
            picMogulTarget(i).Text = CStr(i)
            picMogulTarget(i).Size = picMogul.Size
            picMogulTarget(i).Image = picMogul.Image
            picMogulTarget(i).Visible = True
            picMogulTarget(i).BackColor = Color.Transparent
            AddHandler picMogulTarget(i).Click, AddressOf PictureBox_Click
            picMogulTarget(i).Location = New Point(mogulx(i), moguly(i))
        Next i
        For i = 0 To 5
            ReDim Preserve picRockTarget(i)
            picRockTarget(i) = New PictureBox
            picRockTarget(i).Text = CStr(i)
            picRockTarget(i).Size = picRock.Size
            picRockTarget(i).Image = picRock.Image
            picRockTarget(i).Visible = True
            picRockTarget(i).BackColor = Color.Transparent
            AddHandler picRockTarget(i).Click, AddressOf PictureBox_Click
            rockx(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            rocky(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
            picRockTarget(i).Location = New Point(rockx(i), rocky(i))
        Next i
        speedy = 5
        speedx = 0
        santaDirection = chooseDirection()
        skitype = "santa"
        picSantaTarget.Image = chooseImage(santaDirection, skitype)
        picSantaTarget.Location = New Point(Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1, Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1)
        pinkSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
        skitype = "pink"
        picPinkSkierTarget.Location = New Point(Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1, Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1)
        picPinkSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(pinkSkierDirection, skitype)
        greenSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
        skitype = "green"
        picGreenSkierTarget.Location = New Point(Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1, Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1)
        picGreenSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(greenSkierDirection, skitype)
    End Sub
    Function chooseImage(ByVal d As String, ByVal skitype As String) As Image
        Dim myimage As Image
        If d = "SE" Then
            If skitype = "pink" Then
                myimage = picPinkSkierLeft.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "green" Then
                myimage = picGreenSkierLeft.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "santa" Then
                myimage = picSantaLeft.Image
            End If
        ElseIf d = "SW" Then
            If skitype = "pink" Then
                myimage = picPinkSkierRight.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "green" Then
                myimage = picGreenSkierRight.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "santa" Then
                myimage = picSantaRight.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "pink" Then
                myimage = picPinkSkierStraight.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "green" Then
                myimage = picGreenSkierStraight.Image
            End If
            If skitype = "santa" Then
                myimage = picSanta0.Image
            End If
        End If
        Return myimage
    End Function
    Function chooseDirection() As String
        Dim directChoose As Integer
        Dim direct As String
        directChoose = Int((Rnd() * 3) + 1)
        If directChoose = 1 Then
            direct = "SE"
        ElseIf directChoose = 2 Then
            direct = "SW"
            direct = "S"
        End If
        Return direct
    End Function
    Private Sub PictureBox_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim pic As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        Dim i As Integer
        Static h As Integer
        Static jump As Integer
        Dim skitype As String
        If contact = "hit" Then h = h + 1
        If h = 15 Then
            imgOuch.Visible = False
        End If
        If h > 14 Then
            contact = ""
            h = 0
            imgOuch.Visible = False
        End If
        If SantaCrash = False Then
            If santaDirection = "SW" Then
                picSantaTarget.Location() = New Point(picSantaTarget.Left - speedx + 25, picSantaTarget.Top - speedy + 23) 'moves santa independently
            End If
            If santaDirection = "SE" Then
                picSantaTarget.Location() = New Point(picSantaTarget.Left - speedx - 25, picSantaTarget.Top - speedy + 23) 'moves santa independently
            End If
            If santaDirection = "S" Then
                picSantaTarget.Location() = New Point(picSantaTarget.Left - speedx, picSantaTarget.Top - speedy + 23) 'moves santa independently
            End If
        End If
        If SantaCrash = True And contact <> "hit" Then
            picSantaTarget.Location() = New Point(picSantaTarget.Left - speedx, picSantaTarget.Top - speedy) 'moves santa independently
        End If
        If greenSkierCrash = False Then
            If greenSkierDirection = "SW" Then
                picGreenSkierTarget.Location() = _
                    New Point(picGreenSkierTarget.Left - speedx + 25, picGreenSkierTarget.Top - speedy + 23) 'moves santa independently
            End If
            If greenSkierDirection = "SE" Then
                picGreenSkierTarget.Location() = _
                    New Point(picGreenSkierTarget.Left - speedx - 25, picGreenSkierTarget.Top - speedy + 23) 'moves santa independently
            End If
            If greenSkierDirection = "S" Then
                picGreenSkierTarget.Location() = _
                    New Point(picGreenSkierTarget.Left - speedx, picGreenSkierTarget.Top - speedy + 23) 'moves santa independently
            End If
        End If
        If pinkSkiercrash = False Then
            picPinkSkierTarget.Image = picPinkSkierTarget.Image
            If pinkSkierDirection = "SW" Then
                picPinkSkierTarget.Location() = _
                    New Point(picPinkSkierTarget.Left - speedx + 25, _
                              picPinkSkierTarget.Top - speedy + 23)
            End If
            If pinkSkierDirection = "SE" Then
                picPinkSkierTarget.Location() = _
                    New Point(picPinkSkierTarget.Left - speedx - 25, _
                              picPinkSkierTarget.Top - speedy + 23)
            End If
            If pinkSkierDirection = "S" Then
                picPinkSkierTarget.Location() = _
                    New Point(picPinkSkierTarget.Left - speedx, _
                              picPinkSkierTarget.Top - speedy + 23)
            End If
        End If
        If picSantaTarget.Top > 632 Then
            santaDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "santa"
            picSantaTarget.Image = chooseImage(santaDirection, skitype)
            picSantaTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picSantaTarget.Top = -32
            SantaCrash = False
        End If
        If picSantaTarget.Top < -32 Then
            santaDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "santa"
            picSantaTarget.Image = chooseImage(santaDirection, skitype)
            picSantaTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picSantaTarget.Top = -32
            SantaCrash = False
        End If
        If picPinkSkierTarget.Left < -32 Then
            santaDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "santa"
            picSantaTarget.Image = chooseImage(santaDirection, skitype)
            picSantaTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picSantaTarget.Top = -32
            SantaCrash = False
        End If
        If picPinkSkierTarget.Left > 800 Then
            santaDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "santa"
            picSantaTarget.Image = chooseImage(santaDirection, skitype)
            picSantaTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picSantaTarget.Top = -32
            SantaCrash = False
        End If
        If picPinkSkierTarget.Top > 632 Then
            pinkSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "pink"
            picPinkSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(pinkSkierDirection, skitype)
            picPinkSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picPinkSkierTarget.Top = -32
            pinkSkiercrash = False
        End If
        If picPinkSkierTarget.Top < -32 Then
            pinkSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "pink"
            picPinkSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(pinkSkierDirection, skitype)
            picPinkSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picPinkSkierTarget.Top = -32
            pinkSkiercrash = False
        End If
        If picPinkSkierTarget.Left < -32 Then
            pinkSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "pink"
            picPinkSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(pinkSkierDirection, skitype)
            picPinkSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picPinkSkierTarget.Top = -32
            pinkSkiercrash = False
        End If
        If picPinkSkierTarget.Left > 800 Then
            pinkSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "pink"
            picPinkSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(pinkSkierDirection, skitype)
            picPinkSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picPinkSkierTarget.Top = -32
            pinkSkiercrash = False
        End If
        If picGreenSkierTarget.Top > 632 Then
            greenSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "green"
            picGreenSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(greenSkierDirection, skitype)
            picGreenSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picGreenSkierTarget.Top = -32
            greenSkierCrash = False
        End If
        If picGreenSkierTarget.Top < -32 Then
            greenSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "green"
            picGreenSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(greenSkierDirection, skitype)
            picGreenSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picGreenSkierTarget.Top = -32
            greenSkierCrash = False
        End If
        If picGreenSkierTarget.Left < -32 Then
            greenSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "green"
            picGreenSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(greenSkierDirection, skitype)
            picGreenSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picGreenSkierTarget.Top = -32
            greenSkierCrash = False
        End If
        If picGreenSkierTarget.Left > 800 Then
            greenSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
            skitype = "green"
            picGreenSkierTarget.Image = chooseImage(greenSkierDirection, skitype)
            picGreenSkierTarget.Left = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
            picGreenSkierTarget.Top = -32
            greenSkierCrash = False
        End If
        If contact = "jump" Then jump = jump + 1
        If jump = 6 Then
            contact = ""
            jump = 0
            If contact <> "hit" Then
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoard0Right.Image
            End If
            If contact = "hit" Then
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardCrash1.Image
            End If
        End If
        Call kdown()
        Call kright()
        Call kleft()
        For i = 0 To 30
            If contact <> "hit" Then
                x(i) = x(i) - speedx
                y(i) = y(i) - speedy
                picTreeTarget(i).Location = New Point(x(i), y(i))
                If i < 8 And contact <> "hit" Then
                    mogulx(i) = mogulx(i) - speedx
                    moguly(i) = moguly(i) - speedy
                    picMogulTarget(i).Location = New Point(mogulx(i), moguly(i))
                End If
                If i < 6 And contact <> "hit" Then
                    rockx(i) = rockx(i) - speedx
                    rocky(i) = rocky(i) - speedy
                    picRockTarget(i).Location = New Point(rockx(i), rocky(i))
                End If
            End If
            If picSnowBoardTarget.Left < picTreeTarget(i).Left + 8 _
                And picSnowBoardTarget.Left > picTreeTarget(i).Left - 16 Then
                If picSnowBoardTarget.Top < picTreeTarget(i).Top + 0.25 * speedy _
                    And picSnowBoardTarget.Top > picTreeTarget(i).Top - 0.75 * speedy + 1 _
                    picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardCrash1.Image
                    speedx = 0
                    rightcount = 0
                    leftcount = 0
                    imgOuch.Location = New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 8, _
                                                 picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 32)
                    imgOuch.Visible = -1
                    contact = "hit"
                    speedy = 5
                End If
            End If
            If i < 6 Then
                If picSnowBoardTarget.Left < picRockTarget(i).Left + 24 _
                    And picSnowBoardTarget.Left > picRockTarget(i).Left - 32 Then
                    If picSnowBoardTarget.Top < picRockTarget(i).Top + 0.25 * speedy _
                        And picSnowBoardTarget.Top > _
                        picRockTarget(i).Top - 0.75 * speedy + 1 Then
                        speedx = 0
                        picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardCrash1.Image
                        imgOuch.Location = New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 8, _
                                                     picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 32)
                        imgOuch.Visible = True
                        contact = "hit"
                        speedy = 5
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            If i < 8 Then
                If picSnowBoardTarget.Left < picMogulTarget(i).Left + 32 _
                    And picSnowBoardTarget.Left > picMogulTarget(i).Left - 32 Then
                    If picSnowBoardTarget.Top < picMogulTarget(i).Top + 0.25 * speedy _
                        And picSnowBoardTarget.Top > picMogulTarget(i).Top - 0.75 * _
                        speedy + 1 Then
                        picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardJump.Image
                        contact = "jump"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            If y(i) < -32 Then
                x(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
                y(i) = 600
                picTreeTarget(i).Left = x(i)
            End If
            If y(i) > 600 Then
                x(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
                y(i) = -32
                picTreeTarget(i).Left = x(i)
            End If
            If x(i) < -32 Then
                y(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
                x(i) = 800
                picTreeTarget(i).Top = y(i)
            End If
            If x(i) > 800 Then
                y(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
                x(i) = -32
                picTreeTarget(i).Top = y(i)
            End If
            If i < 8 Then
                If moguly(i) < -32 Then
                    mogulx(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
                    moguly(i) = 600
                    picMogulTarget(i).Left = mogulx(i)
                End If
                If moguly(i) > 600 Then
                    mogulx(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
                    moguly(i) = -32
                    picMogulTarget(i).Left = mogulx(i)
                End If
                If mogulx(i) < -32 Then
                    moguly(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
                    mogulx(i) = 800
                    picMogulTarget(i).Top = y(i)
                End If
                If mogulx(i) > 800 Then
                    moguly(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
                    mogulx(i) = -32
                    picMogulTarget(i).Top = y(i)
                End If
            End If
            If i < 6 Then
                If rocky(i) < -32 Then
                    rocky(i) = 600
                    rockx(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
                    picRockTarget(i).Left = rockx(i)
                End If
                If rocky(i) > 600 Then
                    rockx(i) = Int(Rnd() * 800) + 1
                    rocky(i) = -32
                    picRockTarget(i).Left = rockx(i)
                End If
                If rockx(i) < -32 Then
                    rocky(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
                    rockx(i) = 800
                    picRockTarget(i).Top = y(i)
                End If
                If rockx(i) > 800 Then
                    rocky(i) = Int(Rnd() * 600) + 1
                    rockx(i) = -32
                    picRockTarget(i).Top = y(i)
                End If
            End If
            If picSantaTarget.Left < picTreeTarget(i).Left + 8 _
                And picSantaTarget.Left > picTreeTarget(i).Left - 16 Then
                If picSantaTarget.Top < picTreeTarget(i).Top + 8 _
                    And picSantaTarget.Top > picTreeTarget(i).Top - 16 Then
                    picSantaTarget.Image = picSantaCrashAlone.Image
                    SantaCrash = True
                End If
            End If
            If i < 6 Then
                If picSantaTarget.Left < picRockTarget(i).Left + 8 _
                    And picSantaTarget.Left > picRockTarget(i).Left - 16 Then
                    If picSantaTarget.Top < picRockTarget(i).Top + 8 _
                        And picSantaTarget.Top > picRockTarget(i).Top - 16 Then
                        picSantaTarget.Image = picSantaCrashAlone.Image
                        SantaCrash = True
                    End If
                End If
                If i < 1 Then
                    If picSantaTarget.Left < picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 32 _
                        And picSantaTarget.Left > picSnowBoardTarget.Left - 32 Then
                        If picSantaTarget.Top < picSnowBoardTarget.Top + 32 _
                            And picSantaTarget.Top > picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 16 Then

                            picSantaTarget.Image = picSantaCrashAlone.Image
                            picSantaTarget.Location = _
                                New Point(picSantaTarget.Left + 32, picSantaTarget.Top)
                            picSnowBoardTarget.Location = _
                                New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left, picSnowBoardTarget.Top)
                            picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardCrash1.Image
                            contact = "hit"
                            imgOuch.Location = _
                                New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 8, picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 32)
                            imgOuch.Visible = True
                            SantaCrash = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If i < 1 Then
                    If picGreenSkierTarget.Left < picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 32 _
                        And picGreenSkierTarget.Left > picSnowBoardTarget.Left - 32 Then
                        If picGreenSkierTarget.Top < picSnowBoardTarget.Top + 32 _
                            And picGreenSkierTarget.Top > picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 16 Then
                            picGreenSkierTarget.Image = picGreenSkierCrash.Image
                            picGreenSkierTarget.Location = _
                                New Point(picGreenSkierTarget.Left + 32, _
                            picSnowBoardTarget.Location = _
                                New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left, picSnowBoardTarget.Top)
                            picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardCrash1.Image
                            contact = "hit"
                            imgOuch.Location = New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 8, _
                                                         picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 32)
                            imgOuch.Visible = True
                            greenSkierCrash = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If i < 1 Then
                    If picPinkSkierTarget.Left < picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 32 _
                        And picPinkSkierTarget.Left > picSnowBoardTarget.Left - 32 Then
                        If picPinkSkierTarget.Top < picSnowBoardTarget.Top + 32 _
                            And picPinkSkierTarget.Top > picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 16 Then
                            picPinkSkierTarget.Image = picPinkSkierCrash.Image
                            picPinkSkierTarget.Location = _
                                New Point(picPinkSkierTarget.Left + 32, _
                            picSnowBoardTarget.Location = _
                                New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left, picSnowBoardTarget.Top)
                            picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoardCrash1.Image
                            contact = "hit"
                            imgOuch.Location = _
                                New Point(picSnowBoardTarget.Left + 8, _
                                          picSnowBoardTarget.Top - 32)
                            imgOuch.Visible = True
                            pinkSkiercrash = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If SantaCrash = True Then
                    santaCrashCount = santaCrashCount + 1
                    If santaCrashCount > 80 Then
                        SantaCrash = False
                        santaCrashCount = 0
                        picSantaTarget.Image = picSanta0.Image
                        contact = ""
                        imgOuch.Visible = False
                    End If
                End If
                If greenSkierCrash = True Then
                    greenSkierCrashCount = greenSkierCrashCount + 1
                    If greenSkierCrashCount > 80 Then
                        greenSkierCrash = False
                        greenSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
                        skitype = "green"
                        picGreenSkierTarget.Image = _
                            chooseImage(greenSkierDirection, skitype)
                        greenSkierCrash = False
                        greenSkierCrashCount = 0
                        contact = ""
                        imgOuch.Visible = False
                    End If
                End If
                If pinkSkiercrash = True Then
                    pinkSkierCrashCount = pinkSkierCrashCount + 1
                    If pinkSkierCrashCount > 80 Then
                        pinkSkiercrash = False
                        pinkSkierDirection = chooseDirection()
                        skitype = "pink"
                        picPinkSkierTarget.Image = _
                            chooseImage(pinkSkierDirection, skitype)
                        pinkSkiercrash = False
                        pinkSkierCrashCount = 0
                        contact = ""
                        imgOuch.Visible = False
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub
    Sub kdown()
        If mykeydown And contact <> "hit" Then
            rightcount = 0
            leftcount = 0
            direction = "S"
            speedy = speedy + 2
            If speedy > 5 Then speedy = 25
        End If
        If direction = "S" Then
            If contact <> "jump" And contact <> "hit" And (mykeyleft = False Or mykeyright = False) Then
                switcharm = switcharm + 1
                If switcharm < 11 Then picSnowBoardTarget.Image = _
                If switcharm > 10 Then picSnowBoardTarget.Image = _
                If switcharm > 20 Then switcharm = 0
            End If
        End If

    End Sub
    Sub kright()
        If mykeyright And contact <> "hit" Then
            leftcount = 0
            rightcount = rightcount + 1
            If rightcount = 1 Then
                direction = "SE"
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoard60Right.Image
                speedx = 10
                speedy = 22
            End If
            If rightcount = 2 Then
                direction = "SE"
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoard60Right.Image
                speedx = 15
                speedy = 19
            End If
            If rightcount = 3 Then
                direction = "SE"
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoard45Right.Image
                speedx = 20
                speedy = 16
            End If
            If rightcount = 4 Then
                direction = "SE"
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoard45Right.Image
                speedx = 10
                speedy = 8
            End If
            If rightcount = 5 Then
                direction = "SE"
                picSnowBoardTarget.Image = picSnowBoard90.Image

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