Sonntag, 26. November 2017

MIDI-Piano und MIDI-Player mit Visual Basic oder C programmieren Author D. Selzer-McKenzie YoutubeVideo: Hier zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie mit VisualBasic oder auch C ein Midi-Piano und MIDI-Player programmieren können, der die besten MIDI-Töne spielt, mit dem Sie auch aufladen können, ebenfalls abspeichern und auch mit externen Instrumenten einspielen können. Der SourceCode ist etwas gross und Sie können ihn im Forum finden. Die fertige Software als eigenes Programm (nicht den SourceCode, den finden Sie im Forum) finden Sie unter So und nun spiele ich Ihnen hier im Anschluss auf dem Video ein pasar Takte vor:

MIDI-Piano und MIDI-Player mit Visual Basic oder C programmieren

Author D. Selzer-McKenzie

Hier zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie mit VisualBasic oder auch C ein Midi-Piano und MIDI-Player programmieren können, der die besten MIDI-Töne spielt, mit dem Sie auch aufladen können, ebenfalls abspeichern und auch mit externen Instrumenten einspielen können. Der SourceCode ist etwas gross und Sie können ihn im Forum

finden. Die fertige Software als eigenes Programm (nicht den SourceCode, den finden Sie im Forum) finden Sie unter

So und nun spiele ich Ihnen hier im Anschluss auf dem Video ein pasar Takte vor:

Hier nun der SourceCode MIDI Programm:
Bemerkung: Manche Steuerzeichen lassen sich hier ins Forum nicht so richtig einkopieren und könnten als Lücken im SourceCode dargestellt werden. Das müssen Sie dann selber richten und den fehlenden Code nachschreiben.

Hier nochmals der Code mit " ' ", was Sie bei jeder Zeile wegnehmen müssen, hier nur, weil es sich vielleicht so alles einschreiben lässt. Danach dann nochmals der gleiche Code mit den Lücken, die sich nicht einschreiben lassen, hier  aber im ersten Teil unter " ' " gesetzt sind. 

        '        Hier nun der SourceCode MIDI Programm:
        'using System;
        'using System.Collections.Generic;
        'using System.Linq;
        'using System.Text;
        'using System.Windows;
        'using System.Windows.Controls;
        'using System.Windows.Data;
        'using System.Windows.Documents;
        'using System.Windows.Input;
        'using System.Windows.Media;
        'using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
        'using System.Windows.Navigation;
        'using System.Windows.Shapes;
        'using Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.UI;
        'using Sanford.Multimedia.Midi;
        'using System.ComponentModel;
        'using System.Windows.Forms;
        'using System.IO;
        'using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
        'using System.Windows.Threading;
        'using System.Diagnostics;
        'using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

        'namespace WPFMidiBand
        '    ///
        '    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
        '    ///

        '    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        '    {
        '        #region atrributes
        '        private bool scrolling = false;
        '        private bool playing = false;
        '        private bool closing = false;
        '        private int outDeviceID = 0;
        '        private const int LowNoteID = 21;
        '        private const int HighNoteID = 109;
        '        private OutputDeviceDialog outDialog = new OutputDeviceDialog();
        '        private OutputDevice outDevice;
        '        private Sequence sequence1 = new Sequence();
        '        private Sequencer sequencer1 = new Sequencer();
        '        OpenFileDialog openMidiFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        '        List messageList = new List();
        '        Dictionary dicChannel = new Dictionary();
        '        private bool dragStarted = false;

        '        string fileName = "";
        '        DispatcherTimer timer1 = new DispatcherTimer();
        '        #endregion atrributes
        '        #region ctor
        '            Public MainWindow()
        '        {
        '            InitializeComponent();

        '            InitializeSequencer();
        '            var path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName);
        '            openMidiFileDialog.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "Midis");

        '            timer1.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);
        '            timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick);
        '        }
        '        #endregion ctor

        '        #region methods
        '        private void InitializeSequencer()
        '        {
        '            sequencer1.Stop();
        '            playing = false;

        '            outDevice = new OutputDevice(outDeviceID);
        '            this.sequence1.Format = 1;
        '            this.sequencer1.Position = 0;
        '            this.sequencer1.Sequence = this.sequence1;
        '            this.sequencer1.PlayingCompleted += new System.EventHandler(this.HandlePlayingCompleted);
        '            this.sequencer1.ChannelMessagePlayed += new System.EventHandler(this.HandleChannelMessagePlayed);
        '            this.sequencer1.Stopped += new System.EventHandler(this.HandleStopped);
        '            this.sequencer1.SysExMessagePlayed += new System.EventHandler(this.HandleSysExMessagePlayed);
        '            this.sequencer1.Chased += new System.EventHandler(this.HandleChased);
        '            this.sequence1.LoadProgressChanged += HandleLoadProgressChanged;
        '            this.sequence1.LoadCompleted += HandleLoadCompleted;
        '        }

        '        private void ClearInstruments()
        '        {
        '            dicChannel.Clear();
        '            pianoControl1.Clear();
        '            guitarControl1.Clear();
        '            bassControl1.Clear();
        '        }
        '        #endregion methods

        '        #region events
        '        protected void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            if (OutputDevice.DeviceCount == 0)
        '            {
        '                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("No MIDI output devices available.", "Error!",
        '                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop);

        '                Close();
        '            }
        '            else
        '            {
        '                try
        '                {
        '                    outDevice = new OutputDevice(outDeviceID);

        '                    sequence1.LoadProgressChanged += HandleLoadProgressChanged;
        '                    sequence1.LoadCompleted += HandleLoadCompleted;
        '                }
        '                catch (Exception ex)
        '                {
        '                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!",
        '                        MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop);

        '                    Close();
        '                }
        '            }
        '        }

        '        protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            closing = true;

        '            base.OnClosing(e);
        '        }

        '        protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            sequence1.Dispose();

        '            if (outDevice != null)
        '            {
        '                outDevice.Dispose();
        '            }

        '            outDialog.Dispose();
        '            base.OnClosed(e);
        '        }

        '        private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            Close();
        '        }

        '        private void HandleLoadProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '                System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '                    new Action(
        '                        delegate()
        '                        {
        '                            needleRotation.Angle = (e.ProgressPercentage / 100.0) * 360.0;
        '                        }
        '                    )
        '            );
        '        }

        '        private void HandleLoadCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            this.Title = string.Format("WPF Midi Band - {0}", new FileInfo(fileName).Name);
        '            ClearInstruments();

        '            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '                System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '                    new Action(
        '                    delegate()
        '                    {
        '                        Storyboard sbClockClose = (Storyboard)FindResource("sbClockClose");
        '                        sbClockClose.Begin();
        '                    }
        '                )
        '            );

        '            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '    System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '        new Action(
        '        delegate()
        '        {
        '            this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow;
        '            btnStart.IsEnabled = true;
        '            btnContinue.IsEnabled = true;
        '            btnStop.IsEnabled = true;
        '            btnOpen.IsEnabled = true;
        '            slider1.Value = 0;
        '        }
        '    )

        '            slider1.Value = 0;
        '            slider1.Maximum = sequence1.GetLength();

        '            sequencer1.Start();
        '            timer1.Start();
        '        }

        '        private void HandleChannelMessagePlayed(object sender, ChannelMessageEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            if (closing)
        '            {
        '                return;
        '            }

        '            outDevice.Send(e.Message);
        '            if (e.Message.Command == ChannelCommand.ProgramChange)
        '            {
        '                if (!dicChannel.ContainsKey(e.Message.MidiChannel))
        '                {
        '                    dicChannel.Add(e.Message.MidiChannel, e.Message.Data1);
        '                }
        '            }

        '            if (e.Message.MidiChannel == 9) // Channel 9 is reserved for drums
        '            {
        '                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '                  System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '                    new Action(
        '                        delegate()
        '                        {
        '                            drumControl1.Send(e.Message);
        '                        }
        '                    ));
        '            }
        '            else if (dicChannel.ContainsKey(e.Message.MidiChannel))
        '            {
        '                switch (dicChannel[e.Message.MidiChannel])
        '                {
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.AcousticGrandPiano://1
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.BrightAcousticPiano://2
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricGrandPiano://3
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.HonkytonkPiano://4
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricPiano1://5
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricPiano2://6
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.Harpsichord://7
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.Clavinet://8
        '                        pianoControl1.Send(e.Message);
        '                        break;
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.AcousticGuitarnylon://25
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.AcousticGuitarsteel://26
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricGuitarjazz://27
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricGuitarclean://28
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricGuitarmuted://29
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.OverdrivenGuitar://30
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.DistortionGuitar://31
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.GuitarHarmonics://32
        '                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '                          System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '                            new Action(
        '                                delegate()
        '                                {
        '                                    guitarControl1.Send(e.Message);
        '                                }
        '                            ));
        '                        break;
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.AcousticBass://33
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricBassfinger://34
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.ElectricBasspick://35
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.FretlessBass://36
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.SlapBass1://37
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.SlapBass2://38
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.SynthBass1://39
        '                    case (int)MIDIInstrument.SynthBass2://40
        '                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '                          System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '                            new Action(
        '                                delegate()
        '                                {
        '                                    bassControl1.Send(e.Message);
        '                                }
        '                            ));
        '                        break;
        '                    default:
        '                        pianoControl1.Send(e.Message);
        '                        break;
        '                }
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void HandleChased(object sender, ChasedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            foreach (ChannelMessage message in e.Messages)
        '            {
        '                outDevice.Send(message);
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void HandleSysExMessagePlayed(object sender, SysExMessageEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            outDevice.Send(e.Message); //Sometimes causes an exception to be thrown because the output device is overloaded.
        '        }

        '        private void HandleStopped(object sender, StoppedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            foreach (ChannelMessage message in e.Messages)
        '            {
        '                outDevice.Send(message);
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void HandlePlayingCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            var cArray = new string(' ', 88).ToCharArray();
        '            List noteList = new List();
        '            List fretList = new List();
        '            var count = messageList.Count;
        '            foreach (var message in messageList)
        '            {
        '                if (message.MidiChannel == 1)
        '                {
        '                    var noteId = message.Data1 - LowNoteID;

        '                    string s = string.Format("{0}: {1}", message.Ticks.ToString("000000000"), new string(cArray));
        '                    noteList.Add(s);
        '                }
        '            }

        '            //Calculate diffs
        '            MessageDto currentMessageNoteOn = null;
        '            MessageDto previousMessageNoteOn = null;
        '            count = messageList.Count();
        '            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
        '            {
        '                var message = messageList[i];
        '                if (message.ChannelCommand == ChannelCommand.NoteOn &&
        '                    message.Data2 > 0)
        '                {
        '                    if (currentMessageNoteOn != null)
        '                        previousMessageNoteOn = currentMessageNoteOn;

        '                    currentMessageNoteOn = messageList[i];
        '                    if (previousMessageNoteOn == null)
        '                    {
        '                        currentMessageNoteOn.FretPosition = 3; //first note must fall at the middle of the fret
        '                    }
        '                    else
        '                    {
        '                        currentMessageNoteOn.NoteDiffToPrevious = currentMessageNoteOn.Data1 - previousMessageNoteOn.Data1;
        '                        previousMessageNoteOn.NoteDiffToNext = previousMessageNoteOn.Data1 - currentMessageNoteOn.Data1;
        '                        currentMessageNoteOn.TickDiffToPrevious = (int)(currentMessageNoteOn.Ticks - previousMessageNoteOn.Ticks);
        '                        previousMessageNoteOn.TickDiffToNext = (int)(previousMessageNoteOn.Ticks - currentMessageNoteOn.Ticks);

        '                        if (currentMessageNoteOn.Data1 == previousMessageNoteOn.Data1)
        '                        {
        '                            currentMessageNoteOn.FretPosition = previousMessageNoteOn.FretPosition; //keep the same fret position as the previous note
        '                        }
        '                        else if (currentMessageNoteOn.Data1 > previousMessageNoteOn.Data1)
        '                        {
        '                            currentMessageNoteOn.FretPosition = previousMessageNoteOn.FretPosition + 1; //one fret to the right
        '                        }
        '                        else if (currentMessageNoteOn.Data1 < previousMessageNoteOn.Data1)
        '                        {
        '                            currentMessageNoteOn.FretPosition = previousMessageNoteOn.FretPosition - 1; //one fret to the left
        '                        }
        '                    }
        '                }
        '            }

        '            //var fret = "||";
        '            //var id = 0;

        '            //count = messageList.Count;
        '            //foreach (var message in messageList)
        '            //{
        '            //    if (message.MidiChannel == 1)
        '            //    {
        '            //        var noteId = message.Data1 - LowNoteID;

        '            //        if (message.ChannelCommand == ChannelCommand.NoteOn)
        '            //        {
        '            //            if (message.Data2 > 0)
        '            //            {
        '            //                string s = string.Format("{0}: {1}", message.FretPosition, new string(cArray));
        '            //            }
        '            //        }
        '            //    }

        '            //    sequence1.LoadAsync(fileName);
        '            //}
        '        }

        '        private void pianoControl1_PianoKeyDown(object sender, PianoKeyEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            #region Guard

        '            if (playing)
        '            {
        '                return;
        '            }

        '            #endregion
        '            outDevice.Send(new ChannelMessage(ChannelCommand.NoteOn, 0, e.NoteID, 127));
        '        }

        '        private void pianoControl1_PianoKeyUp(object sender, PianoKeyEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            #region Guard

        '            if (playing)
        '            {
        '                return;
        '            }

        '            #endregion
        '            outDevice.Send(new ChannelMessage(ChannelCommand.NoteOff, 0, e.NoteID, 0));
        '        }

        '        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            if (!scrolling)
        '            {
        '                slider1.Value = sequencer1.Position;
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            if (openMidiFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
        '            {
        '                fileName = openMidiFileDialog.FileName;

        '                try
        '                {
        '                    sequencer1.Stop();
        '                    playing = false;
        '                    sequence1.LoadAsync(fileName);
        '                    this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait;
        '                    btnStart.IsEnabled = false;
        '                    btnContinue.IsEnabled = false;
        '                    btnStop.IsEnabled = false;
        '                    btnOpen.IsEnabled = false;

        '                    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(
        '                        System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal,
        '                            new Action(
        '                            delegate()
        '                            {
        '                                Storyboard sbClockOpen = (Storyboard)FindResource("sbClockOpen");
        '                                grdClock.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
        '                                sbClockOpen.Begin();
        '                            }
        '                        )
        '                    );

        '                }
        '                catch (Exception ex)
        '                {
        '                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
        '                }
        '            }

        '        }
        '        private void btnStop_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            try
        '            {
        '                playing = false;
        '                sequencer1.Stop();
        '                timer1.Stop();

        '            }
        '            catch (Exception ex)
        '            {
        '                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            try
        '            {
        '                playing = true;
        '                sequencer1.GetTracks();
        '                sequencer1.Start();
        '                timer1.Start();
        '            }
        '            catch (Exception ex)
        '            {
        '                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void btnContinue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            try
        '            {
        '                playing = true;
        '                sequencer1.Continue();
        '                timer1.Start();
        '            }
        '            catch (Exception ex)
        '            {
        '                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
        '            }
        '        }

        '        private void slider1_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            //if (!dragStarted)
        '            //    sequencer1.Position = (int)e.NewValue;
        '        }

        '        private void slider1_DragStarted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragStartedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            this.dragStarted = true;
        '        }

        '        private void slider1_DragCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragCompletedEventArgs e)
        '        {
        '            sequencer1.Position = (int)((Slider)sender).Value;
        '            this.dragStarted = false;
        '        }
        '        #endregion events

        '        private void pianoControl1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        '        {

        '        }
        '    }

        '    #region MIDIInstrument
        '            Public Enum MIDIInstrument
        '    {
        '        //PIANO
        '        AcousticGrandPiano,//1
        '        BrightAcousticPiano,//2
        '        ElectricGrandPiano,//3
        '        HonkytonkPiano,//4
        '        ElectricPiano1,//5
        '        ElectricPiano2,//6
        '        Harpsichord,//7
        '        Clavinet,//8

        '        //CHROMATICPERCUSSION
        '        Celesta,//9
        '        Glockenspiel,//10
        '        MusicBox,//11
        '        Vibraphone,//12
        '        Marimba,//13
        '        Xylophone,//14
        '        TubularBells,//15
        '        Dulcimer,//16

        '        //ORGAN
        '        DrawbarOrgan,//17
        '        PercussiveOrgan,//18
        '        RockOrgan,//19
        '        ChurchOrgan,//20
        '        ReedOrgan,//21
        '        Accordion,//22
        '        Harmonica,//23
        '        TangoAccordion,//24

        '        //GUITAR
        '        AcousticGuitarnylon,//25
        '        AcousticGuitarsteel,//26
        '        ElectricGuitarjazz,//27
        '        ElectricGuitarclean,//28
        '        ElectricGuitarmuted,//29
        '        OverdrivenGuitar,//30
        '        DistortionGuitar,//31
        '        GuitarHarmonics,//32

        '        //BASS
        '        AcousticBass,//33
        '        ElectricBassfinger,//34
        '        ElectricBasspick,//35
        '        FretlessBass,//36
        '        SlapBass1,//37
        '        SlapBass2,//38
        '        SynthBass1,//39
        '        SynthBass2,//40

        '        //STRINGS
        '        Violin,//41
        '        Viola,//42
        '        Cello,//43
        '        Contrabass,//44
        '        TremoloStrings,//45
        '        PizzicatoStrings,//46
        '        OrchestralHarp,//47
        '        Timpani,//48

        '        //ENSEMBLE
        '        StringEnsemble1,//49
        '        StringEnsemble2,//50
        '        SynthStrings1,//51
        '        SynthStrings2,//52
        '        ChoirAahs,//53
        '        VoiceOohs,//54
        '        SynthChoir,//55
        '        OrchestraHit,//56
        '        //BRASS
        '        Trumpet,//57
        '        Trombone,//58
        '        Tuba,//59
        '        MutedTrumpet,//60
        '        FrenchHorn,//61
        '        BrassSection,//62
        '        SynthBrass1,//63
        '        SynthBrass2,//64
        '        //REED
        '        SopranoSax,//65
        '        AltoSax,//66
        '        TenorSax,//67
        '        BaritoneSax,//68
        '        Oboe,//69
        '        EnglishHorn,//70
        '        Bassoon,//71
        '        Clarinet,//72

        '        //PIPE
        '        Piccolo,//73
        '        Flute,//74
        '        Recorder,//75
        '        PanFlute,//76
        '        BlownBottle,//77
        '        Shakuhachi,//78
        '        Whistle,//79
        '        Ocarina,//80
        '        //SYNTHLEAD
        '        Lead1square,//81
        '        Lead2sawtooth,//82
        '        Lead3calliope,//83
        '        Lead4chiff,//84
        '        Lead5charang,//85
        '        Lead6voice,//86
        '        Lead7fifths,//87
        '        Lead8basslead,//88
        '        //SYNTHPAD
        '        Pad1newage,//89
        '        Pad2warm,//90
        '        Pad3polysynth,//91
        '        Pad4choir,//92
        '        Pad5bowed,//93
        '        Pad6metallic,//94
        '        Pad7halo,//95
        '        Pad8sweep,//96

        '        //SynthEffects,
        '        FX1rain,//97
        '        FX2soundtrack,//98
        '        FX3crystal,//99
        '        x0FX4atmosphere,//100
        '        x1FX5brightness,//101
        '        x2FX6goblins,//102
        '        x3FX7echoes,//103
        '        x4FX8scifi,//104
        '        //ETHNIC
        '        Sitar,//105
        '        Banjo,//106
        '        Shamisen,//107
        '        Koto,//108
        '        Kalimba,//109
        '        Bagpipe,//110
        '        Fiddle,//111
        '        Shanai,//112
        '        //PERCUSSIVE
        '        TinkleBell,//113
        '        Agogo,//114
        '        SteelDrums,//115
        '        Woodblock,//116
        '        TaikoDrum,//117
        '        MelodicTom,//118
        '        SynthDrum,//119
        '        //SOUNDEFFECTS
        '        ReverseCymbal,//120
        '        GuitarFretNoise,//121
        '        BreathNoise,//122
        '        Seashore,//123
        '        BirdTweet,//124
        '        TelephoneRing,//125
        '        Helicopter,//126
        '        Applause,//127
        '        Gunshot//128
        '    }
        '    #endregion MIDIInstrument

        '        '             xmlns=""
        '             xmlns:x=""
        '             StartupUri="MainWindow.xaml">


        '        '        xmlns=""
        '        xmlns:x=""
        '        xmlns:ctrl="clr-namespace:WPFMidiBand.Controls"
        '        Title="WPF Midi Band" Height="700" Width="1124.179" Icon="Images/guitar_icon.png">


        '                    '            Storyboard.TargetName="grdClock"
        '            Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Grid.RenderTransform).(ScaleTransform.ScaleX)">


        '                    '            Storyboard.TargetName="grdClock"
        '            Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Grid.RenderTransform).(ScaleTransform.ScaleY)">



        '                    '            Storyboard.TargetName="grdClock"
        '            Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Grid.RenderTransform).(ScaleTransform.ScaleX)">


        '                    '            Storyboard.TargetName="grdClock"
        '            Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Grid.RenderTransform).(ScaleTransform.ScaleY)">






        '                        '                        Thumb.DragStarted="slider1_DragStarted" Thumb.DragCompleted="slider1_DragCompleted"/>



















        'using System;
        'using System.Collections.Generic;
        'using System.Linq;
        'using System.Text;
        'using Sanford.Multimedia.Midi;

        'namespace WPFMidiBand
        '        Public Class MessageDto
        '    {
        '        public int id { get; set; }
        '        public ChannelCommand ChannelCommand { get; set; }
        '        public int MidiChannel { get; set; }
        '        public int Data1 { get; set; }
        '        public int Data2 { get; set; }
        '        public MessageType MessageType { get; set; }
        '        public int NoteDiffToPrevious { get; set; }
        '        public int NoteDiffToNext { get; set; }
        '        public int TickDiffToPrevious { get; set; }
        '        public int TickDiffToNext { get; set; }
        '        public int FretPosition { get; set; }
        '        public long Ticks { get; set; }
        '    }


        '        '        xmlns=""
        '        xmlns:x=""
        '        xmlns:ctrl="clr-namespace:WPFMidiBand.Controls"
        '        Title="SelMcKenzie-MIDI" Height="400" Width="500">


        'using System;
        'using System.Collections.Generic;
        'using System.Linq;
        'using System.Text;
        'using System.Windows;
        'using System.Windows.Controls;
        'using System.Windows.Data;
        'using System.Windows.Documents;
        'using System.Windows.Input;
        'using System.Windows.Media;
        'using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
        'using System.Windows.Shapes;

        'namespace WPFMidiBand
        '    ///
        '    /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
        '    ///

        '    public partial class SelMcKenzie : Window
        '    {
        '            Public SelMcKenzie()
        '        {
        '            InitializeComponent();
        '        }
        '    }



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